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보통의 취향(리뷰)

하트스토퍼 3화 줄거리, 영어 대본

by 보통의 취향 2023. 4. 13.

하트스토퍼 3화 줄거리 

동성애자 테스트 62%로 심각하게 혼란스러운 닉은 

일진 친구 해리의 생일파티에 초대됩니다. 괜찮은 친구들을 데려오라는 해리.

그 파티에 친구들은 닉과 타라를 연결해주려고 하는데요.

또 그 파티에 같이가고자 하는 닉을 좋아하는 여학생 이머진도 있습니다.

이런저런 입담에 오르락 내리락 럭비팀 탈의실은 시끌시끌합니다.

그런 이야기들을 들으며 찰리는 마음이 좋지 않습니다.

닉은 찰리에게 해리의 파티에 같이 가자고 합니다. 

찰리는 닉의 친구들이 자신을 괴롭히곤 해서 걱정이 되지만

닉의 부탁으로 해리의 파티에 함께 가기러 합니다.

또 파티에 가고싶어하는 이머진도 함께 가게 됩니다.

닉은 파티에서 찰리와 시간을 보내고 싶지만 타라와 엮어주려는 친구들이 방해를 합니다.

타라를 만나게 된 닉은 타라가 레즈비언임을 알게 되었고

그런 사실을 더이상 숨기고 싶지 않다는 타라의 말에 뭔가 느낀것이 있는 듯 합니다.
자신의 감정에 솔직해지고 싶은것 같기도 합니다.닉은 찰리를 다시 찾아 조용한 곳으로 가자고 합니다.

그 곳에서 찰리는 닉에게 타라와의 관계를 확인하죠.

그리고 어떤 여자를 좋아하는지 묻습니다.

그게 여자가 아닐수도 있다는 닉의 말에 찰리는 떨리는 마음으로 닉에게 말합니다.

"나랑 키스할래?"  닉의 대답은"좋아."

파티장 윗층에서 키스를 나누고 닉과 찰리는 서로에게 끌리는 마음을 다시 한번느끼게 됩니다.

이런 찰나 또 해리라는 친구놈이 방해를 합니다.닉을 찾는 해리의 목소리를 듣고 황급히 자리를 피하는 닉의 모습.

찰리는 어떤 마을일지.. 집에 돌아가는 아빠의 차안에서 찰리는 울음을 터뜨립니다.


찰리는 소중한 이성애자 친구 닉을 잃을까봐 무섭습니다.

그렇게 다음날 아침, 초인종 소리에 문을 연 찰리 앞에는 

비에 쫄딱 맞으며 열심히 달려온 듯한 닉이 서있습니다.

3화 줄거리 끝







Heartstopper ep3. kiss

하트스토퍼 3화 영어대본 해석하기

쉐도잉영어 3번째 영어 대본


하트스토퍼3화 시작

[동성애자 뉴스를 찾아보고 있는 닉, 표정이 심각합니다]

동성애자 테스트에 62% 동성애자가 맞다는 결과를 보고 눈물을 흘리는 닉]

( indistinct chatter )


All right?

How's it?

It's fine. Normal.

Pleased for you, mate.

** be pleased : 1. (즐기다, 선호하다) like, love, be fond of, enjoy (doing), go for; (사람을) care for
                         2. (기뻐하다, 즐거워하다) be pleasedbe delighted

( sniffs )

So, uh, what's up?

Here to talk about the party, mate.


My sixteenth birthday party.

St. George's Hotel, this Saturday. You're going to be there.

Uh... Yeah. Sounds good.

You'd better bring some cool people with you.

You going to invite me?

Um, only if you're cool enough, apparently.

Um, do you not think I'm cool, Nick Nelson?

Fine, I... I guess I can invite you, Imogen.

Yeah.Yeah, definitely.

[학교에서 심각한 표정의 닉]

해리 : 니콜라스

닉 : 그래.

해리 : 너 어때?

닉 : 뭐 그럭저럭 괜찮아.

해리 : 다행이네! 친구.

닉 : 그래, 무슨 일이야?

해리 : 파티 때문에 이야기하려고.

닉 : 파티?

해리 : 내 16번째 생일파티. 이번 주 토요일 세인트조지스 호텔이야. 너도 와야 해.

닉 : 어... 그래. 재미있겠다.

해리 : 멋진 친구들 있으면 데리고 와.

이머진 : 너 나랑 갈 거지?

닉 : 음..니가 분명히 멋지다면..

이머진 : 음.. 너 내가 멋지지 않다고 생각해 닉넬슨?

닉 : 좋아. 내가 너랑 같이 갈 수도 있겠다 이머진.

이머진 : 응.응, 진짜로.


[럭비팀 탈의실]

BOY 1 You know Tara Jones is going to be there.

BOY 2 Mate, she is fit. Nick is going to have his pick of two girls.

**be fit : 여자, 남자에게 모두 쓸수 있는 말 / 체형이 잘 어울린다 / 괜찮아 보인다.

   = be in good shape

BOY 1 Who's the other girl?

BOY 2 Imogen, obviously. Everybody knows she fancies him.

Hey, what?

Oh, um... Nothing. We're talking about Tara Jones.

She's going to be at Harry's party.

NICK What about her?

Thought you might be interested, mate.

Didn't you have some childhood romance with her?

( boys exclaiming )

We don't have a thing. We just kissed at a party one time.

BOY 1 Yeah, three years ago.

Nick's got a thing with Imogen now?

No, no, I don't.

He has two proper fit girls trying to get with him, and he's not even bothered.

**proper : 적당한,적절한,알맞은, 적합한 / 예의바른, 단정한, 맵시있는, 아름다운

If you're not into Imogen, then Saturday night's your chance with Tara.

That's all I'm saying.

( boys murmuring )

Yeah. Maybe.


소년1 : 너도 알겠지만 타라존스 거기 올 거야.

소년2 : 친구, 걔 괜찮지. 닉은 두 여자애 중 골라야 할 텐데.

소년1 : 다른 한명은 누구야?

소년2 : 당연 이머진이지. 걔가 닉 좋아하는 거 다들 알고 있잖아.

닉 : 야, 뭐라고?

소년1 : 어.아무것도 아니야. 그냥 타라 존스 얘기 중이야.

걔 해리의 파티에 온다고 해서.

닉 : 걔가 뭐?

소년 : 네가 관심 있을 것 같아서 친구.

너 어릴 때 걔랑 썸있지 않았냐?

닉 : 우린 별거 없었어. 그저 파티에서 한번 키스한것 뿐이야.

소년1 : 응. 3년 전에. 닉 요즘에 이머진이랑 썸타고 있잖아.

닉 : 아니, 아니야.

소년1 : 저놈은 예쁜 여자애 둘이 관심 있어 하는데 얘는 관심도 없네.

너 이머진에게 관심 없으면 토요일 밤이 타라 존스에게 대시해볼 기회야.

그 말 하려고 했어.

닉 : 그래. 어쩌면.

[상심하는 표정의 찰리]




( indistinct chatter )


Do you want to go to Harry's party? With me.

Oh. I... I don't know. It doesn't sound like my sort of thing.

**my sort of thing : 내 취향, 내가 선호하는,

Please come. I want you to be there.


( whimsical music playing ) ( scoffs ) ( upbeat music playing in distance )

Pick up at 10:00, okay?

Can't it be 11:00?

No, 10:00 is late enough.





Call me if you need me, okay?

I will.

Thanks, Dad.

( indistinct chatter ) ( "Telephone" playing on speakers )



찰리 : 안녕

닉 : (고민이 많은 표정)너 혹시 해리 파티에 갈래? 나랑 같이.

찰리 : 오... 난... 난 잘 모르겠어. 내 취향은 아닐 것 같은데.

닉 : 같이 가자. 너랑 같이 가면 좋겠어.

찰리 : 알겠어.


[파티장에 아빠 차를 타고 온 찰리]

아빠 : 10시에 데리러 올게 알겠지?

찰리 : 11시에 오시면 안돼요?

아빠 : 안돼. 10시도 늦은 시간이야.

찰리 : 알겠어요.

아빠 : 찰리...

찰리 : 네?

아빠 : 내 도움이 필요하면 전화해 알았지?

찰리 : 그럴게요. 고마워요. 아빠.



♪ 'Cause I think that I love you so ♪

♪ I know we only just met So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet Future favorite regret ♪

( boys chattering )

♪ I talk a lot But we could fill your frames ♪

( imperceptible )




How are you?

Yeah? Great!

Do you like my dress?



이머진 : 안녕

닉 : 안녕?

이머진 : 너 어때?

닉 : 응? 아주 좋아!

이머진 : 내 드레스 맘에 들어?

닉 : 응..

[닉은 찰리를 기다리고 찰리는 파티장에 들어서서 닉을 찾는 중]



♪ Feel like miles ♪

♪ Where you go, I'll follow ♪

♪ I know we only just met So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet Future favorite regret ♪

♪ Do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪


I've been looking for you.

I've been looking for you.

( song continues )


닉 : 너 찾고있었는데

찰리 : 너 찾고 있었어.


[타오네 집에 놀러온 엘]

Elle! Oh, my goodness.

Oh, it's been too long, my darling.

Hi, Yan.

Mum, she's here to see me.

Oh, but I've missed her so much.

( Elle laughing )

I want to hear everything. Mmm... How are you doing, my love?

New school okay?

Yeah, it's all really good.



Okay, okay. In you come, I'll put the kettle on.

**put the kettle on : 주전자에 불을 붙이다

   주전자를 올리다. 찻물을 끓이다.

   영국사람들은 커피보다 차를 좋아한다고 하더라고요.


( chuckles )

I swear to God, she loves you more than me.

TAO Lady Bird?



( scoffs )

Moonlight's so sad, I don't want to cry.

( grumbles )

What about Arrival?

Oh, my God, that's even sadder.

Can't we just watch something funny?

I thought we were having a film night.

Yeah, a fun one.

I wanted it to be like old times.

Well, it's not old times anymore.

( chiming )


Just us then.

Just us.


타오엄마 : 엘! 오 세상에. 못 본 지 한참 됐네. 예쁜 아가.

엘 : 안녕하세요. 얀아주머니.

타오 : 엄마, 걔 저 만나러 온 거에요.

타오엄마 : 오, 그래. 그런데 나도 너무 보고 싶었다고.

전부 다 듣고 싶은데.. 음.. 어떻게 지내니? 새로운 학교는 괜찮고?

엘 : 네.. 정말 좋아요.

타오엄마 : 다행이네.

타오 : 엄마.

타오엄마 : 알겠어 알겠어. 어서 들어와. 난 주전자 물 끓여야겠다.

엘 : 네.

타오 : 맹세하는데 엄마는 나보다 너를 더 사랑해.

[타오 방에서 영화를 고르는 중]

타오 : 레이디버드?

엘 : 아니.

타오 : 문라이트?

엘 : 문라이트는 너무 슬퍼, 난 울기 싫어.

타오 : 얼라이벌은 어때?

엘 : 맙소사, 그건 더 슬픈 거잖아.

우리 그냥 웃기는 거 보면 안돼?

타오 : 우리 영화의 밤 보내는 거라 생각했는데.

엘 : 그래. 재미있는 걸로.

타오 : 예전처럼 하고 싶었어.

엘 : 더 이상 예전이 아니잖아.

[아이작의 못 온다는 문자]

타오: 오, 그럼 우리뿐이네.

엘 : 우리뿐이야.



[해리의 파티장]

( "Lucid" playing on speakers )

I'm being serious. I've never ever seen anyone.

I literally dragged my mum to play Mario Kart...


Nicholas! All right, mate.

Why are you hanging out in here?

**hang out : 시간을 보내다.

It's a bit boring, innit?

**innit = isn’t it

( laughter )

We just are.

I've got important news for you.

Yeah, what?

Tara Jones is here.

( boys whooping )

BOY 1 Hey!

So what?

So this is your big second chance, mate.

Let's make it happen.

( chuckles )

They kissed when they were 13. Proper romantic.

( boy 2 whistling )

He should go for it, right?

**go for it : 시도해봐. 결정해.

Come on, mate.


Come on. She's just down the corridor.

**down the corridor : 복도끝

I haven't talked to her for years.

HARRY So? She's super hot, man.

All right, ladies!

Hey, Tara, I've got someone who wants to see you.

You remember Nick Nelson?

Uh... Yeah.



TARA How are you?


닉 : 나 진심으로 아무도 그런 사람을 본 적이 없어.

나 진짜 엄마 끌고 와서 마리오카트 하려고..

해리 : 니콜라스, 좋아 친구.

왜 여기서 시간 보내고 있어? 좀 지루하지. 안 그래?

닉 : 우리 그냥 있는데.

해리 : 너한테 알려줄 중요한 소식이 있어.

닉 :  그래, 뭔데?

해리 : 타라 존스가 여기 있어.

소년1 : 야~!

닉 : 그래서 뭐?

해리 : 이건 너한테 아주 좋은 두 번째 기회야. 친구.

어서 일 좀 벌려봐.

얘들 13살  둘이 키스했잖아. 아주 로맨틱했지.

너 시도해봐야 한다. 알겠지?

어서, 친구.

닉 : 해리.

해리 : 이리 와. 걔 복도 끝에 있어.

닉 : 나 몇 년 동안 걔한테 말도 안 해봤는데.

해리 : 그래서? 걔 완전히 핫해. 친구.

자, 아가씨!

안녕 타라, 내가 널 보고싶어 하는 사람 데리고 왔어.

너 닉 넬슨 기억나?

타라 : 어.. 그래. 안녕?

닉 : 안녕

타라 : 잘 지냈어?



( imperceptible )

( movie playing on laptop )

Charlie's changing.

What do you mean?

He's gone to rich-boy Harry's parties.

Last year he would have rather died than go to one of those.

Well, I don't think he's there to see Harry, to be honest.

Nick's stolen him.

That's a little dramatic.

It doesn't matter why he's there, he should be with his actual friends.

I think Nick is his friend.

So you're on his side?

Tao, there aren't any sides.

Let's just stop talking about this.



타오 : 찰리가 변하고 있어.

엘 : 무슨 뜻이야?

타오 : 걔는 부유한 놈 해리의 파티에 갔잖아.

작년 같았으면 거기 가느니 차라리 죽는 게 날 거라고 했을 거야.

엘 : 난 솔직히 찰리가 해리를 보러 갔다고 생각하지 않아.

타오 : 닉이 그를 훔쳐 갔지.

엘 : 그건 좀 극적인데.(그건 좀 오버인데..? 라고 해석해도 될는지)

타오 : 걔가 왜 거기 갔는지는 상관없지만 걔는 진짜 친구들과 있어야만 해.

엘 : 난 닉도 찰리의 친구라고 생각해.

타오 : 그래서 넌 걔 편이야?

엘 : 타오, 누구의 편도 아니야.

이거 그만 이야기하자.

타오 : 좋아.



NICK Anyway, sorry about this.

I don't know why my friends want to set us up.

( chuckles )

Not that you're not, like, um, you know...I don't really feel that way...

Nick, it's fine, I don't feel that way about you either.

( sighs ) Yeah.

All of this could have been avoided if I just...


Told everyone I was a lesbian.

Well, yeah, um, but that's not something you'd want to lie about.

Wouldn't be a lie.

What? Oh. You actually are?

( girls cheering )

There's my girlfriend over there.

( laughter )

We've mostly been keeping it quiet.

Yeah. So why are you telling me?

Me and Darcy have been talking, and honestly, we feel like we don't need to keep it that quiet anymore.

**have been ~ing : 현재완료 진행형 : ~ 해오고있는 중이다.

You mean, like, come out?

Not necessarily.

**반드시 그런건 아닌

Um, we don't want to make a big announcement, but... Maybe just not hide so much.

**a big announcement : 중대발표

That's cool. I mean, I've only ever met one openly gay person before. Do you know Charlie Spring?

 Yeah, I know of Charlie Spring.

Uh, are you friends? 

Yeah, we sit next to each other in form.

He's probably...

Yeah, he probably is my best friend right now.

Oh! ( laughing )


닉 : 여튼, 이런 상황이 돼서 미안해.

왜 친구들이 우리를 엮으려고 하는지 모르겠어.

너가 아니라는 건 아니고 그저,,음.. 너도 알잖아. 나 그런 감정 전혀 없어.. 

타라 : 닉, 괜찮아. 나도 너한테 그런 감정 없어.

닉 : 그래.

타라 : 다 피할 수 있는 상황이었는데 내가..

닉 : 뭐?

타라 : 내가 레즈비언이라고 모두에게 말했더라면..

닉 : 뭐, 그래, 엄, 그렇지만 원치 않는 거짓말을 할 필요는 없어.

타라 : 거짓말 아니야.

닉 : 뭐? 오, 너 진짜 그래?

타라 : 저기 내 여자친구야.

거의 비밀로 하고 있어.

닉 : 그래. 그런데 나한테는 왜 말해주는 거야?

타라 : 다르시랑 계속 얘기해왔는데, 솔직히, 더 이상 비밀로 할 필요 없다고 느꼈어.

닉 : 니 뜻은 커밍아웃 하겠다고?

타라 : 꼭 그런건 아니지만. 우린 중대 발표를 하고 싶진 않아, 하지만 숨기지 않으려고.

닉 : 멋지다. 내 뜻은, 나 커밍아웃한 게이를 딱 한번 만나봤어. 너 찰리 스프링 알아?

타라 : 응, 나 걔 알아. 어, 너네 친구야?

닉 : 응, 같은 학급 옆자리에 앉아. 

타라 : 걔 혹시...

닉 : 응, 요즘 아마도 걔가 나랑 제일 친한 친구일 거야.

타라 : 오!




Want to dance?

Yes, please.  Got to go.

Hey, look who's by himself.

Nick! Where you going?

I'm going to go find Charlie.

What, that nerdy little Year 10?

Why do you even hang out with him?

He's my friend.

HARRY But why? Do you feel sorry for him 'cause he's gay?

( boys laughing )


Oh, my God, no, wait, wait.

Do you think he has a crush on you?

( laughter )

Oh, my God, how sad.

That's homophobic, Harry.

( chuckles nervously )

Come on, mate.

And I really don't like you.

Happy birthday.


다르시 : 춤출까?

타라 : 그래. 좋아. 가볼게

해리 : 야, 저기 누가 혼자 있나 좀 봐봐.

닉! 너 어디가?

닉 : 나 찰리 찾으러.

해리 : 뭐? 그 10학년 샌님?

너 왜 걔랑 시간을 보내냐?

닉 : 걘 내 친구야.

해리 : 하지만 왜? 걔가 게이라서 너 미안한 마음이 드냐?

닉 : 뭐라고?

해리 : 오 맙소사, 아니 기다려, 잠깐.

너 혹시 걔가 너한테 반했다고 생각해?

맙소사, 어쩌냐.

닉 : 그거 동성애 혐오야 해리.

해리 : 왜 그래 친구.

닉 : 그리고 진짜 너 싫다. 생일 축하한다.


[타오의 방]

Sorry I made tonight weird.

You didn't.

I did.

I just miss how things used to be.

With the four of us.

Yeah. Well, sometimes change is a good thing.

Yeah. That's true.

And Harry's party probably isn't even that bad.

Some of my friends said that they were going.

Friends from Higgs?


You made some friends?

Yeah, you jealous?

No, no. I'm happy for you.

( chuckles )

I was really scared no one would like me, so...

I didn't even try talking to people at first.

But then I realized I actually needed to put myself out there or I'd just be alone.

So I think I'm going to be okay there.

At Higgs.

That's a good change, right?

Yeah. It's a good change.

( whimsical music playing )


타오 : 오늘 밤을 이상하게 만들어 미안해

엘 : 너 안그랬어.

타오 : 내가 그랬어. 난 그저 익숙했던 것들이 그리워. 우리 넷이 같이.

엘 : 그래. 근데, 가끔 변화가 좋을때도 있어.

타오 : 응, 그건 맞아.

엘 : 해리의 파티도 아마 나쁘진 않을거야. 거기 가는 친구들이 말해줬어.

타오 : 힉스 친구들?

엘 : 응

타오 : 너 친구 생겼구나?

엘 : 응, 너 질투해?

타오 : 아니, 아니. 너가 좋으니 나도 기뻐.

앨 : 나 아무도 날 좋아하지 않을까 봐 정말 겁났어. 그래서..

처음에 애들한테 말 걸어볼 시도조차 안 했어.

나 스스로 나서지 않으면 혼자가 될 거라는걸 깨달았어.

그래서 난 거기서 잘 지낼 수 있을 것 같아. 힉스에서.

이건 좋은 변화야. 그렇지?

타오 : 응. 좋은 변화지.


[해리의 파티장 벤과 마주친 찰리]




[파티장에서 찰리를 찾아다니는 닉]



BEN Look, I'm sorry about what happened.

Have you finished sulking about it?

**sulk : 1.[the ~s] 샐쭉함, 부루퉁함, 앵돌아짐

2.샐쭉해지다, 부루퉁해지다, 앵돌아지다, 골나다


Leave me alone.

Oh, come on.

Do not touch me!


찰리 : 미안.

벤 : 찰리.


닉 : 찰리. 


벤 : 저기, 지난번 일은 미안해. 그 일로 화난 건 좀 풀렸어?

찰리 : 저리 가.

벤 : 오, 왜 이래.

찰리 : 나 건들지 마.


[타오의 방]

ELLE I miss you guys though.

Yeah. We miss you a lot too.



( chuckles )

I kept buying your apple juice.


I kept accidentally buying your apple juice at the start of term.

**at the start of term : 학기 초반에

Tao, that's so dumb.

**dumb : 1.벙어리의, 말을 못하는 / 2. 일시적으로 말을 못(안)하는 / 3. 멍청한, 바보같은

( chuckles )

I know. Can we promise that no matter what happens we'll always prioritize our friendship?

**prioritize : (v)1.우선순위를 매기다. 2 우선적으로 처리하다.

Sounds a bit dramatic.

No, I'm serious.

Like, no matter what changes, we always put our friendship first.

We'll still go bowling and watch creepy documentaries, and stay up to watch the Oscars.

And we'll always be able to talk about deep stuff. Like this.


( cheering ) ( "Clearest Blue" playing on speakers )



엘 : 그래도 너희들이 그리워.

타오 : 응, 우리도 네가 아주 그리워.

엘 : 그래?

타오 : 그래. 나 네 사과주스를 계속 샀다니까.

엘 : 뭐?

타오 : 나 학기 초에 계속 실수로 네 사과주스를 샀어.

엘 : 타오, 너무 바보 같아.

타오 : 나도 알아. 우리 무슨 일이 있어도 우리 항상 우정을 우선시 하기로 약속할까?

엘 :  뭔가 좀 드라마틱한데.

타오 : 아냐. 나 진심이야. 뭔가 변화가 있더라도 우리는 항상 우정을 제일 먼저 생각하는 거야.

우리는 계속 볼링을 치러가고, 무서운 다큐멘터리를 보고, 오스카 시상식 보려고 늦게까지 안잘 거고.그리고 우린 심각한 대화도 항상 할 수 있겠지. 지금처럼.엘 : 약속할게. 

[해리의 파티장]

♪ You'll meet me halfway ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away You can just keep me there ♪

♪ So please say you'll meet me ♪


Nicholas! Come dance with me!

I can't dance.

I don't care.


♪ Tied to the shifting ground ♪

♪ Like it always was ♪


NICK Sorry, I have to go.

I was just looking for someone.

No, stay with me! I want to hang out with you. Do you like me?


I really like you, Nick. You don't have to reply right now, I just wanted you to know.

Okay. Um... I'm going to find my friend.


이머진 : 니콜라스! 이리와 나랑 같이 춤추자.

닉 : 나 춤 못 추는데.

이머진 : 상관없어.

닉 : 미안, 나 가야겠어. 누구 좀 찾아야 해서.

이머진 : 안돼. 나랑 같이 있어! 나 너랑 같이 있고 싶어. 너 나 좋아해?

닉 : 뭐?

이머진 : 나 정말 너 좋아해 닉. 지금 대답할 필요는 없어. 난 그저 네가 알았으면 해서.

닉 : 그래. 음... 나 친구 좀 찾아보러 가야겠다.



( squealing )

♪ Every open eye ♪

♪ Holding on tightly to the sides Never quite learning why ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away You can just keep me, tell me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll keep me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Will you meet me more than halfway up? ♪

♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪ ♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪ ♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest... ♪




You left.

Sorry, I... I felt like I was in the way. And your Year 11 friends are kind of intimidating.

**in the way : 방해가 되어(가는 공간을 차지하고 있다.)

**on the way : 가는 길에(가는 길 위에 있다, on=접촉하고 있는 상태)

**kind of : 약간, 어느정도

**intimidate : (v)겁을 주다. 협박하다. 위협하여 ~ 을 시키다.

   intimidating : (a)위협적인, 겁을 주는

Yeah. I don't know if I want to hang out with those guys anymore. 

I'd rather hang out with you, anyway.

**would rather : ~ 하는게 더 좋다. ~하는게 더 낫겠다.

So, I just ran into Ben.

**run into : 뛰어들어가다, …와 충돌하다, …와 우연히 만나다, 합계 …이 되다. 


Yeah. I mean... I dealt with it. He tried to, like, apologize for what happened,

**deal의 과거분사 (v) : 나누어주다, 분배하다(out, to)/도르다. 

  (vi)다루다, 처리하다, 취급하다(with) / ~에 대하여 행동하다, 대우하다, 대하다(with)

  (n)거래, 쌍방에 이익이 되는 협정, 담합, 부정거래, 뒷거래 / 취급, 처리, 대우, 대접

but I pushed him into a wall and told him to go away. I think he got the message this time.

I'm so proud!

CHARLIE Shut up.

( partiers cheering )

It's kind of noisy in here, isn't it?


Shall we go somewhere quieter?


( grunts )

Come on.

( "Alaska" playing on speakers )

You want to race?

You want to race me?

NICK No, no, no.

You want to race? Come on!

NICK Wait, stop! You're going too fast! Slow down!

CHARLIE Come on!


닉 : 안녕. 

찰리 : 안녕.

닉 : 너가 없길래.

찰리 : 미안, 내가.. 방해되는 것 같아서. 그리고 너의 11학년 친구들은 좀 위협적이야.

닉 : 그래. 나도 걔네랑 더 이상 친하게 지내고 싶지도 않아. 어쨌든, 너랑 같이 있는 게 더 좋아.

찰리 : 그래, 나 벤이랑 우연히 마주쳤어.

닉 : 벤?

찰리 : 응. 내 말은... 내가 처리했다고. 걔는 지금 상황에 대해 사과하려고 했는데

내가 벽으로 밀어버리고 꺼지라고 그랬어. 이번 일로 내 뜻을 알았을 거야.

닉 : 정말 자랑스럽네!

찰리 : 그만해.

닉 : 여기 좀 시끄럽지 않아?

찰리 : 응.

닉 : 우리 조용한 곳으로 갈까?

찰리 : 좋아.

닉 : 가자.

      경주하고 싶어?

찰리 : 너 나랑 경주하고 싶어?

닉 : 아니, 아니. 아니야.

찰리 : 너 나랑 경주하고 싶다고? 빨리와!

닉 : 잠깐 멈춰봐! 너 너무 빠른데 천천히 가!

찰리 : 빨리 와.


♪ You and I, there's air in between ♪

♪ Leave me be I'm exhaling ♪


NICK I'm dying!

It's 'cause you're old. Whoa!

NICK Yeah.

How did Harry hire this entire place?

**hire : (vt)고용하다, 세내다, 임차하다, 빌리다 (=employ, borrow)

   사용료를 받고 빌려주다. 세주다(out)

**entire : 전체의(=whole), 완전한(=complete) 


Oh, he's, like, extremely rich.

He should have gone on My Super Sweet 16.

**should have pp : ~했어야 하는데 하지 못했다.

**go on :1. (공연을) 시작하다, (무대에) 나오다 / 2. 들어가다 /3. (불·전기 등이) 들어오다 (↔go off)

So he could cry when his parents got him the wrong color Lamborghini.

( chuckles )


( Nick panting )

So... Was Harry being serious?

Do you like Tara?

What? No! No, definitely not.

Uh... So you don't have a crush on anyone at the moment?

Well... I didn't say that.

Oh. What's she like then?

You're just going to assume they're a "she"?

**be going to : ~ 할 셈이다. ~할 예정이다. 이미 계획, 예정되어 있었던 사항

**assume :1. [동사] (사실일 것으로) 추정[상정]하다 / 2. [동사][격식] (권력·책임을) 맡다 (=take)

                  3. [동사][격식] (특질·양상을) 띠다[취하다] (=take on)

Are they... Are they not a girl?

Um... Would you go out with someone who wasn't a girl?

I don't know. Maybe.

Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl?

I don't know.

( crackling ) ( whimsical music playing )

Would you kiss me?


( music continues )

You okay?


닉 : 나 죽을 것 같아!

찰리 : 네가 나이가 많아서 그래. 후아!

닉 : 그래. 

찰리 : 해리는 어떻게 여기 전체를 빌렸지?

닉 : 오, 걔 완전 갑부잖아. 

찰리 : 걔 My Super Sweet 16에 출연했어야 했는데.

닉 : 그럼 걔 부모님이 사준 람보르기니 색이 맘에 안 든다고 울수도 있겠다.

찰리 : 맞아.

그런데... 해리 말이 사실이야? 너 타라 좋아해?

닉 : 뭐? 아니, 아니. 완전 아니야.

찰리 : 어.. 그럼. 넌 지금 좋아하는 사람이 없는 거야?

닉 : 저.. 나 그렇게 말 안 했는데.

찰리 : 오, 그럼 그녀는 어떤데?

닉 : 너는 그들이 여자라고 생각해?

찰리 : 여자가 아니야?

음.. 너 여자가 아닌 사람도 데이트 할 수 있어?

닉 : 잘 모르겠어. 어쩌면.

찰리 : 너 여자가 아닌 사람이랑 키스 할 수 있어?

닉 : 나도 모르겠어.

찰리 : 나랑 키스할래?

닉 : 좋아.

찰리 : 너 괜찮아?

닉 : 나...


HARRY Nick, are you up here? I just want to talk, mate. Why are you hiding?

( door opens )

( rock music playing on speakers )

( door closes )

And like, it's all just banter, isn't it?

**banter : (악의 없는) 농담; 놀림, 희롱

I mean, the lads can see it's banter.  You can see it's banter.

There's no need to start anything, just 'cause you're in a bad mood at my party.

Yeah. Guess I was just in a mood.

Yeah. Exactly.  So we're good?

( laughs )

Yeah. Just going to go find the loo.

**loo : [英 비격식] 화장실

NICK Charlie.


( laughter )

( whimsical music continues )


해리 : 닉, 너 위에 있냐? 얘기 좀 하자 친구. 왜 숨어 있어?

          그리고 그건 그냥 농담이야. 안 그래?

          내 말은 애들 다 그게 농담인 걸 알아. 너도 농담인 거 알잖아.

          내 파티에서 너 기분 나쁘다고 이럴 필요 없잖아.

닉 : 그래. 내가 기분이 좀 그랬나 봐.

해리 : 그래. 완전. 그럼 우리 괜찮지?

닉 : 응. 화장실 가야겠어.


닉 : 찰리



[아빠 차에 탄 찰리]

Hey. Hey, you okay?

( sobbing )

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

I've got you. I got you.

**나는 너를 지지한다. 나는 너를 돌보고 있다.
  걱정하지 마, 내가 널 응원해, 내가 널 위해 여기 있어, 넌 괜찮을 거야 등을 의미합니다.

Everything's going to be okay.


CHARLIE Would you kiss me?



찰리 아빠 : 얘야, 얘 괜찮니?

찰리 오열.

찰리 아빠 : 괜찮아 괜찮아.

아빠가 여기 있잖아. 너를 지지한다.

다 괜찮아질 거야.


[다음날 아침 찰리의 상상]

찰리 : 나랑 키스할래?

닉 : 싫어.


( knocking at door )

CHARLIE'S MOM Charlie! Can you get the door please? It's probably the postman.

Fine, one sec.

( music continues )




찰리엄마 : 찰리, 문좀 현관문좀 열어봐. 아마 우체부일거야.

찰리 : 네, 잠깐만요.


[비에 쫄딱 맞고 숨이 차서 헥헥거리는 닉이 문밖에 서있음]

닉 : 안녕.

찰리 : 안녕.

Heartstoppper episode 3 soundtrack: Kiss

  • My Own Person - Smoothboi Ezra
  • Telephone - Waterparks
  • LUCID - Rina Sawayama
  • Clearest Blue - CHVRCHES
  • Alaska (Toby Green Remix) - Maggie Rogers



Sparks fly at a birthday party where Nick's friend Tara confides in him.

Inspired, Nick shares his feelings with Charlie — and they grow even closer.

( "My Own Person" playing )

♪ Been rotating the same two outfits For three years now ♪

♪ Waiting for some kind of inspiration To make me feel like I'm my own person ♪

♪ But buying new clothes Just makes me feel down ♪

♪ Having new style Would cause me more attention ♪

♪ And I don't feel like I'm my own person ♪

♪ I just feel like Some other version of me ♪

♪ Been talking about the same problems For years now ♪ ♪ But nothing I do seems To make things happen ♪

♪ I try too hard Guess I gotta keep searching ♪

♪ Can't help but think I just stand out ♪

♪ No matter what I do it's bad It's hurting ♪

♪ And I don't feel like I'm my own person ♪

♪ I just feel like Some other version of me ♪


( indistinct chatter )

Nicholas... All right? How's it?

It's fine. Normal.

Pleased for you, mate.

( sniffs )

So, uh, what's up?

Here to talk about the party, mate.


My sixteenth birthday party.

St. George's Hotel, this Saturday. You're going to be there.

Uh... Yeah. Sounds good.

You'd better bring some cool people with you.

You going to invite me?

Um, only if you're cool enough, apparently.

Um, do you not think I'm cool, Nick Nelson?

Fine, I... I guess I can invite you, Imogen.


Yeah, definitely.

( whimsical music playing )

BOY 1 You know Tara Jones is going to be there.

BOY 2 Mate, she is fit. Nick is going to have his pick of two girls.

BOY 1 Who's the other girl?

BOY 2 Imogen, obviously. Everybody knows she fancies him.

Hey, what?

Oh, um... Nothing. We're talking about Tara Jones.

She's going to be at Harry's party.

NICK What about her?

Thought you might be interested, mate.

Didn't you have some childhood romance with her?

( boys exclaiming )

We don't have a thing. We just kissed at a party one time.

BOY 1 Yeah, three years ago.

Nick's got a thing with Imogen now?

No, no, I don't.

He has two proper fit girls trying to get with him, and he's not even bothered.

If you're not into Imogen, then Saturday night's your chance with Tara.

That's all I'm saying.

( boys murmuring )

Yeah. Maybe.

( indistinct chatter )

Hi. Do you want to go to Harry's party? With me.

Oh. I... I don't know. It doesn't sound like my sort of thing.

Please come.

I want you to be there.


( whimsical music playing ) ( scoffs ) ( upbeat music playing in distance )

Pick up at 10:00, okay? Can't it be 11:00?

No, 10:00 is late enough.





Call me if you need me, okay?

I will.

Thanks, Dad.

( indistinct chatter ) ( "Telephone" playing on speakers )


♪ 'Cause I think that I love you so ♪

♪ I know we only just met So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet Future favorite regret ♪

( boys chattering )

♪ I talk a lot But we could fill your frames ♪

( imperceptible )




How are you?

Yeah? Great!

Do you like my dress?



♪ Feel like miles ♪

♪ Where you go, I'll follow ♪

♪ I know we only just met So why do I feel invested? ♪

♪ And do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ I can be your best yet Future favorite regret ♪

♪ Do you feel it too? Do you feel it too? ♪


I've been looking for you.

I've been looking for you.

( song continues )



Oh, my goodness.

Oh, it's been too long, my darling.

Hi, Yan.

Mum, she's here to see me.

Oh, but I've missed her so much.

( Elle laughing )

I want to hear everything. Mmm... How are you doing, my love?

New school okay?

Yeah, it's all really good.



Okay, okay. In you come, I'll put the kettle on.


( chuckles )

I swear to God, she loves you more than me.

TAO Lady Bird?

No. Moonlight?

( scoffs )

Moonlight's so sad, I don't want to cry.

( grumbles )

What about Arrival?

Oh, my God, that's even sadder.

Can't we just watch something funny?

I thought we were having a film night.

Yeah, a fun one. I wanted it to be like old times.

Well, it's not old times anymore.

( chiming )


Just us then.

Just us.

( "Lucid" playing on speakers )

I'm being serious. I've never ever seen anyone.

I literally dragged my mum to play Mario Kart...

Nicholas! All right, mate.

Why are you hanging out in here?

It's a bit boring, innit?

( laughter )

We just are.

I've got important news for you.

Yeah, what?

Tara Jones is here.

( boys whooping )

BOY 1 Hey!

So what?

So this is your big second chance, mate.

Let's make it happen.

( chuckles )

They kissed when they were 13. Proper romantic.

( boy 2 whistling )

He should go for it, right?

Come on, mate.


Come on. She's just down the corridor.

I haven't talked to her for years.

HARRY So? She's super hot, man.

All right, ladies!

Hey, Tara, I've got someone who wants to see you.

You remember Nick Nelson?

Uh... Yeah.



TARA How are you?

( imperceptible )

( movie playing on laptop )

Charlie's changing.

What do you mean?

He's gone to rich-boy Harry's parties.

Last year he would have rather died than go to one of those.

Well, I don't think he's there to see Harry, to be honest.

Nick's stolen him.

That's a little dramatic.

It doesn't matter why he's there, he should be with his actual friends.

I think Nick is his friend.

So you're on his side?

Tao, there aren't any sides.

Let's just stop talking about this.


NICK Anyway, sorry about this.

I don't know why my friends want to set us up.

( chuckles )

Not that you're not, like, um, you know...

I don't really feel that way... Nick, it's fine, I don't feel that way about you either.

( sighs ) Yeah. All of this could have been avoided if I just...


Told everyone I was a lesbian.

Well, yeah, um, but that's not something you'd want to lie about.

Wouldn't be a lie.

What? Oh. You actually are?

( girls cheering )

There's my girlfriend over there.

( laughter )

We've mostly been keeping it quiet. Yeah.

So why are you telling me?

Me and Darcy have been talking, and honestly, we feel like we don't need to keep it that quiet anymore.

You mean, like, come out? Not necessarily.

Um, we don't want to make a big announcement, but... Maybe just not hide so much.

That's cool.

I mean, I've only ever met one openly gay person before.

Do you know Charlie Spring?

Yeah, I know of Charlie Spring. Uh, are you friends?

Yeah, we sit next to each other in form.

He's probably...

Yeah, he probably is my best friend right now.


( laughing )

Want to dance?

Yes, please. Got to go.

Hey, look who's by himself.

Nick! Where you going?

I'm going to go find Charlie.

What, that nerdy little Year 10? Why do you even hang out with him?

He's my friend.

HARRY But why? Do you feel sorry for him 'cause he's gay?

( boys laughing )


Oh, my God, no, wait, wait.

Do you think he has a crush on you?

( laughter )

Oh, my God, how sad.

That's homophobic, Harry.

( chuckles nervously )

Come on, mate.

And I really don't like you.

Happy birthday.


Sorry I made tonight weird.

You didn't.

I did.

I just miss how things used to be.

With the four of us.


Well, sometimes change is a good thing.


That's true.

And Harry's party probably isn't even that bad.

Some of my friends said that they were going.

Friends from Higgs?


You made some friends?

Yeah, you jealous?

No, no.

I'm happy for you.

( chuckles )

I was really scared no one would like me, so...

I didn't even try talking to people at first.

But then I realized I actually needed to put myself out there or I'd just be alone.

So I think I'm going to be okay there.

At Higgs.

That's a good change, right?

Yeah. It's a good change.

( whimsical music playing )





BEN Look, I'm sorry about what happened.

Have you finished sulking about it?

Leave me alone.

Oh, come on.

Do not touch me!


ELLE I miss you guys though.


We miss you a lot too.



( chuckles )

I kept buying your apple juice.


I kept accidentally buying your apple juice at the start of term.

Tao, that's so dumb.

( chuckles )

I know. Can we promise that no matter what happens we'll always prioritize our friendship?

Sounds a bit dramatic.

No, I'm serious.

Like, no matter what changes, we always put our friendship first.

We'll still go bowling and watch creepy documentaries, and stay up to watch the Oscars.

And we'll always be able to talk about deep stuff. Like this.


( cheering ) ( "Clearest Blue" playing on speakers )


♪ You'll meet me halfway ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away You can just keep me there ♪

♪ So please say you'll meet me ♪


Nicholas! Come dance with me!

I can't dance.

I don't care.


♪ Tied to the shifting ground ♪

♪ Like it always was ♪


NICK Sorry, I have to go.

I was just looking for someone.

No, stay with me! I want to hang out with you. Do you like me?


I really like you, Nick. You don't have to reply right now, I just wanted you to know.

Okay. Um... I'm going to find my friend.

( squealing )

♪ Every open eye ♪

♪ Holding on tightly to the sides Never quite learning why ♪

♪ Whenever I feel it coming on You can be well aware ♪

♪ If ever I try to push away You can just keep me, tell me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll keep me ♪

♪ Tell me, tell me you'll meet me ♪

♪ Will you meet me more than halfway up? ♪

♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪ ♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest blue ♪ ♪ Shaped ♪

♪ By clearest... ♪




You left.

Sorry, I... I felt like I was in the way. And your Year 11 friends are kind of intimidating.

Yeah. I don't know if I want to hang out with those guys anymore. I'd rather hang out with you, anyway.

So, I just ran into Ben.


Yeah. I mean... I dealt with it. He tried to, like, apologize for what happened,

but I pushed him into a wall and told him to go away. I think he got the message this time.

I'm so proud!

CHARLIE Shut up.

( partiers cheering )

It's kind of noisy in here, isn't it?


Shall we go somewhere quieter?


( grunts )

Come on.

( "Alaska" playing on speakers )

You want to race?

You want to race me?

NICK No, no, no.

You want to race? Come on!

NICK Wait, stop! You're going too fast! Slow down!

CHARLIE Come on!


♪ You and I, there's air in between ♪

♪ Leave me be I'm exhaling ♪


NICK I'm dying!

It's 'cause you're old. Whoa!

NICK Yeah. How did Harry hire this entire place?

Oh, he's, like, extremely rich. He should have gone on My Super Sweet 16.

So he could cry when his parents got him the wrong color Lamborghini.

( chuckles )


( Nick panting )

So... Was Harry being serious?

Do you like Tara?

What? No! No, definitely not.

Uh... So you don't have a crush on anyone at the moment?

Well... I didn't say that.

Oh. What's she like then?

You're just going to assume they're a "she"?

Are they... Are they not a girl?

Um... Would you go out with someone who wasn't a girl?

I don't know. Maybe.

Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl?

I don't know.

( crackling ) ( whimsical music playing )

Would you kiss me?


( music continues )

You okay? I...

HARRY Nick, are you up here? I just want to talk, mate. Why are you hiding?

( door opens )

( rock music playing on speakers )

( door closes )

And like, it's all just banter, isn't it?

I mean, the lads can see it's banter. You can see it's banter.

There's no need to start anything, just 'cause you're in a bad mood at my party.


Guess I was just in a mood.

Yeah. Exactly.

( laughs )

So we're good?

Yeah. Just going to go find the loo.

( laughter )

( whimsical music continues )

NICK Charlie.

Hey. Hey, you okay?

( sobbing )

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

I've got you.

I got you.

Everything's going to be okay.

CHARLIE Would you kiss me?



( knocking at door )

CHARLIE'S MOM Charlie! Can you get the door please? It's probably the postman.

Fine, one sec.

( music continues )



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